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Domestic Violence Against Women

Physical abusesexual abuse; emotional, verbal and psychological abuse; economic abuseintimidationharassmentstalking; damage to property; entry into the complainant's residence without consent, where the parties do not share the same residence; or any other controlling or abusive behavior towards a complainant, where such conduct harms, or may cause imminent harm to, the safety, health or wellbeing of the complainant                  

                                                                                                                             The South African Domestic Violence Act 1998

Inspiration Corner :

I believe women have powerful stories to tell and by breaking the muted walls around their words, change CAN be found. 

My awareness campaign consists of a print advertisement for women's magazines (such as Marie Claire, Elle, Cosmopolitan and Woman's Health), a radio ad (supported by a massive Twitter campaign called #breakyoursilence) which would promote a woman's right to go against societal stereotypes that dictate a woman should be docile, inferior and quiet. A wall mural can also be used in popular spaces such as shopping malls. The design can also be used for T-shirts that show support towards women's rights.

Mock Campaign Ad for UN Women - Print Ad (2 page spread out)

The idea for this ad came from my attempt at Blackout Poetry, a form of expression made famous by authour Austin Kleon. A newspaper article was chosen, and words were blacked out with a permanent marker until reduced to the poem used below.


Radio Ad for #breakyoursilence

Narrator reads in slam poet style (female, fierce)

Let me be a Lizzie Bennet while you press like on that selfie.

Don't need to push and pull at my face,

rip the clothes off my body so you can 'see' me.

Don't want to be your popular woman

your trendy woman,

your socially acceptable woman

I want to be me.

Don't need your spotlight

to fake or contour 

your... (confused tone) love?

I'm happy to have my books

and my thoughts

my words...these words

my voice...her voice...our voice.

We have our personality and our resistance. We won't apologize for that anytime soon.

Take your prejudice

your pride

and let me be a Lizzie Bennet.

(poem ends and voice-over speaks) 

#breakyoursilence with UN Women.

Help support the women of the world.

Campaign Name: #breakyoursilence

Client: UN Women

Length: +-  seconds

Writer: Kamalini Govender

Medium: Radio

“Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” 

Mural design or T-shirt Idea for #breakyoursilence

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